Athena Informics (funded by UNICEF) - Literature review and mapping of interventions of child labour - 2016 Baseline Studies, Policy Research, Social/Environmental SafeguardsVietnamDecember 19, 2016Athena Informics
WWF (Greater Mekong Programme Office) - Produce a Comprehensive Report Outlining Alternatives for Power Generation in the Greater Mekong Sub-region - 2015 Impact Measurement, Policy ResearchVietnamDecember 17, 2015WWF
Irish Aid - Scoping study to explore cooperation in the agriculture & agribusiness sectors under Irish Development Experience Sharing Programme - 2014 Market Studies, Policy ResearchVietnamDecember 17, 2014Irish Aid
POSCIS Secretariat & GI - Chief Technical Adviser to the Program on Strengthening Comprehensive Capacity of the Inspectorate System in Vietnam - 2012 Training, Policy Research, Strategy DevelopmentVietnamDecember 13, 2012POSCIS, GI
WB & SEQAP - Research on study of recurrent (non-salary) costs for the scaling-up of full day schooling (FDS) reform - 2012 Education Safeguards, Policy Research, Impact MeasurementVietnamDecember 13, 2012World Bank, SEQAP
CIDA - Facilitation for South East Asia Regional Forum on Sustainable Economic Growth - 2012 Strategy Development, Policy ResearchVietnamDecember 13, 2012CIDA
Government Inspectorate of Vietnam (GI) - Building a result based M&E system for the Programme on Strengthening the Capacity of the Inspection Sector (POSCIS) - 2011 M&E, Policy Research, Enterprise SurveyVietnamJanuary 12, 2012GI
The World Bank - Agriculture and Rural Development Public Expenditure Review - 2012 Strategy Development, Impact Measurement, Policy Research, Social/Environmental SafeguardsVietnamDecember 13, 2011World Bank
A Commercial Client - Position paper on liberalization of the wheat market in Vietnam - 2011 Policy Research, Market Studies, Social/Environmental SafeguardsVietnamDecember 13, 2011Commercial Client
UNCTAD - Case Study of the zone regime in Vietnam: How to upgrade and move beyond zone-based FDI - 2011 Baseline Studies, Policy Research, Project ManagementVietnamDecember 12, 2011UNCTAD