Belgian Development Agency - International consultant on human resources development and capacity building strategies - 2019

Description of Project:

Facility to Capacity Building (FCB) project is a part of the Vietnam – Belgium 2011-2015 Indicative Cooperation Program that aims to “Contribute to the socio-economic development of Vietnam through institutional capacity development to support the implementation of the SEDP 2011-2015”. The General objective of FCB is “To contribute to the sustainable development and growth of Vietnam by facilitating Vietnam to become a knowledge-based industrialized country by 2020”. The project aims to assist 2 institutions in Vietnam (11 universities, and 10 provincial Departments of Home Affairs and Education) in human resource developments of their managers, lecturers and technical staff.

MKE provided the international consultant to implement the following tasks:

  • Develop overall implementation strategy and approaches for FCB, following the strategic approach

  • Assist the PMU in implementation of designed activity;

  • Develop the result chains and result measurement plan for each result area of the project;

  • Quality controller for the activities carried out and ensure these activities contribute to the project expected outcomes;

  • Evaluate possible impact of the interventions, advise BTC and the PMU of any needed adjustment in the implementation strategy and approach to ensure achievement of project objectives;

  • Responsible for coordination with other consultants, supervise the redaction of team products (if applicable) and assure that all relevant stakeholder are involved.

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