Institute of Social Studies (Erasmus University of Rotterdam) - Stock-take on CSO Development Effectiveness and Enabling Environment (Global Partnership) - 2016 M&E, Economic Research, Social/Environmental SafeguardsMyanmarDecember 19, 2016ISS
Canadian DFTAD - Project Monitor and Technical Advisor for Vietnam Skills For Employment Project (VSEP) - 2016 M&EVietnamJune 15, 2016Canadian DFTAD
Canadian DFTAD - VIETNAM SKILLS FOR EMPLOYMENT PROJECT (VSEP) - 2015 Strategy Development, M&E, TrainingVietnamDecember 19, 2015Canadian DFTAD
LuxDevelopment - Midterm evaluation of the project “Climate Adapted Local Development and Innovation” - 2015 M&E, Project Management, Social/Environmental SafeguardsVietnamDecember 19, 2015LuxDev
ADB/Conseil Sante - Consultancy services for TA-8842 REG: Greater Mekong Sub-region Health Security Project – PPTA Consultants - 2015 Project Management, Health, M&E, Social/Environmental SafeguardsMulti-CountryDecember 19, 2015Conseil Sante, Asian Development Bank (ADB)
The World Bank Group - Implementation of the EAP Enterprise Surveys (EAP ES 2014) - 2014 Strategy Development, Market Studies, M&E, Enterprise SurveyMulti-CountryDecember 17, 2014World Bank
ICRW - Formative and Baseline research for a career and life skills program in Village Saving and Loan community members of Sre Ambel district (Koh Kong) in Cambodia - 2014 Baseline Studies, M&E, Household SurveyCambodiaDecember 17, 2014ICRW
Belgium Technical Cooperation/Ministry of Planning and Investment - Assessment of the Business Environment and Competitiveness of enterprises in services sectors - 2014 Impact Measurement, M&E, Strategy Development, Market StudiesVietnamDecember 17, 2014Belgium Technical Cooperation, Ministry of Planning and Invesment
ASEAN Secretariat - Scoping Study of Outsourcing in ASEAN - 2014 M&E, Impact Measurement, Market Studies, Economic ResearchASEANDecember 17, 2014ASEAN
The Association of Volunteers in International Service - Evaluating AVSI project on establishing a farmer’s cooperative in Pyin Ah Lan Village Tract - 2014 M&E, Impact Measurement, Project ManagementVietnamDecember 16, 2014AVSI