Vietnam Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (funded by AFD) - Monitoring and Evaluation of Smallholder Rubber Development Project - 2013
Project Description:
The Smallholder Rubber Development Project continued the Agricultural Diversification Project completed in 2006. It aimed to provide credit and technical support to maintain the planted rubber areas under the previous project in ten provinces situated in the Central highlands and coastal region.
The M&E assignment was undertaken to support the Project Management Committee to monitor the implementation in terms of the effectiveness, efficiency and impacts of the project. This was to be done through the development, operation and maintenance of a comprehensive M&E system which included monitoring indicators reflecting the project achievements, loan performance, cost efficiency, project disbursement, socio-economic impacts and environmental impacts.
In additional, MKE delivered training for the project staff on the application of the M&E system for monitoring the project progress, and evaluating the project efficiency.