State Government of Victoria (Australia) - International Education Opportunities in Vietnam - 2016
Project Description:
The South East Asia Victorian Government Business Office (SEA VGBO) seeked to commission a project to scope international education barriers and opportunities in Vietnam for Victoria State’s universities and education service providers. Vietnam was identified as a priority market for the Victorian international education sector. Vietnam was Victoria’s third largest source market for international students and Victorian education providers were keen to build on these links to secure offshore partnerships and projects with the Vietnamese government, education institutions and industry.
Because of Victoria’s early involvement in education in Vietnam, the State was well placed to build on initiatives such as the Vietnamese Government’s proposed investment in VET reform. To appropriately and effectively meet demand for education services in Vietnam, a renewed and targeted effort in-market was required. In particular, there was a need to better understand the policy and regulatory environment, barriers to market access, the scope of business and partnership opportunities, and options for a future in-market Victorian Government presence.