SMEC - National Consultancy for Vinfast Project - 2019
Project Description:
SMEC International Pty Ltd (SMEC) has been contracted to provide consultancy services for the Implementation of Environmental and Social Action Plan (ESAP) for the supplies, installations and commissioning of machinery and equipment for the construction of a new automotive manufacturing plant to be operated by Vinfast in Hai Phong, Vietnam (the Project).
MKE is required to provide assistance to the SMEC Team to deliver the required services, in accordance with applicable international and national guidelines including the Equator Principles, the IFC Performance Standards, the EHS Guidelines, and the Vietnamese environmental and social laws and regulations.
The Social Safeguards Specialist will report to the International Social Specialist and the Project Manager and undertake the following tasks:
Develop a Stakeholder Engagement Plan that identifies and maps the relevant stakeholders, sets out engagement approaches or methods and actions for each stakeholder or stakeholder group, confirms timing for implementation, and includes monitoring requirements;
Undertake a comprehensive socio-economic survey to clarify the current status of living conditions and livelihoods of displaced peoples before/ after being displaced and vulnerability of displaced people;
Update and develop resettlement/ livelihood restoration strategies and contribute to the development of a Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) including Livelihood Restoration Plan;
Contribute to the preparation of a Cultural Heritage Baseline Report;
Contribute to the preparation of a Social Baseline Report;
Contribute to the preparation of a Community Health Development Plan;
Conduct an analysis of the Project construction labor force to identify viable alternatives for those workers subject to retrenchment;
Develop and implement a retrenchment plan to reduce the adverse impacts of retrenchment on workers, in line with this IFC PS requirement;
Undertake land acquisition audit;
Conduct consultation and information disclosure on the CDP with relevant stakeholders (i.e. authorities, affected communities);
Conduct a baseline cultural heritage study and impacts on cultural heritages from the Project development and contribute to the development of a Cultural Heritage Management Plan including a Chance Finds Procedure;