BTC - The Mid-Term Review Of The Project “Support To The Innovation And Development Of Business Incubators Policy Project (BIPP)” - 2017
Project Description:
The project BIPP was designed to improve the policy framework for technology business incubation: an essential element of increasing the competitiveness of Vietnamese enterprises. The project supported the Ministry of Science and Technology to develop an appropriate enabling environment for the establishment and growth of technology business incubators and their S&T clients.
The resultant changes in policy and legal framework were field tested through two technology incubators (one in Hanoi and one in HCMC) and through a pilot capacity building fund (Innofund) which supported the management of other established incubators and their tenants throughout Vietnam. Best practice and lessons learnt were captured through a comprehensive monitoring system and the results fed back into further policy development.
MKE completed the MTR which analysed the performance of the project according to the DAC criteria and to the horizontal and transversal themes.