ITC - SME Competitiveness Survey of Swiss Trade Policy and Promotion - 2022
Description of Project:
Swiss Trade Policy and Promotion project is a four-year project to assist Vietnam in achieving sustainable and inclusive economic growth and poverty reduction by improving trade performance (i.e., access to export markets) and international competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) through enhanced favorable framework conditions for trade, public-private partnership mechanisms, and a strengthened eco-system for dynamic trade promotion.
Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:
Phase 1
· Furnish ITC/partners with a list of firms based on existing and secondary databases according to ITC’s business registry template;
· Design and implement a stratified random sampling strategy from the list of firms in the business registry based on sector, region and size;
· Translate the survey questionnaire from English to Vietnamese, to facilitate survey implementation;
· Select Interviewers to carry out the surveys and Supervisors to oversee the surveys;
· Ensure that selected Interviewers follow and complete ITC’s online training on SME Competitiveness Survey methodology and how to collect the data correctly;
· Conduct a pilot survey with two firms from each sector and write a pilot report to share the findings.
Phase 2
· Coordinate and conduct 500 nationwide remote surveys while ensuring interviews follow the sampling strategy and remain on schedule
Phase 3
· Conduct the analysis of data on five sectors to prepare the SMECS Vietnam report in English and Vietnamese.