Integrated Resource Planning with Strategic Environmental Assessment for Sustainable Power Sector Development in the Greater Mekong Sub region - Firm 2 Energy Efficiency Market Assessment (49208-001)
Description of the Project:
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) approved a regional capacity development technical assistance project (RETA 9003) in November 2015 to support a more economically, environmentally, and socially sustainable power sector development for greater mitigation of climate change impacts in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS). As the original scope of the project was successfully completed, GMS countries envision more renewable energy (RE) and energy efficiency (EE) investments. To materialize such visions, ADB approved additional scope for RETA 9003 in November 2018 to support development of individual project pipelines and business models for implementation of RE and EE projects, among others.
Mekong Economics is responsible for the following tasks and outputs:
Undertake review of energy demand and supply scenario in Myanmar
Analyse, review & provide insights on the existing energy audit reports and other related country studies already carried out in Myanmar as well as investment grade energy audits to be undertaken or have been undertaken by KEA & other development agencies in order to develop potential DSEE investment pipelines.
Assess the country’s existing EE/investment grade auditing capacity within the relevant government departments and ESCO industry and identify potential training/capacity building needs, which will be addressed through TA 9003 GMS Knowledge Hub Program on EE with Thailand Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency;
Analyse, review & provide insights on best-practice DSEE technology solutions including their application to potential energy efficiency investment projects; and
Analyse, review & provide insights for preparation of awareness building activities on DSEE in the three countries on DSEE technologies.
Support in identification of local vendors for energy efficient technology and set-up meeting with them as per PwC’s requirements.
Support data gathering, review, analysis, and report preparation for technology. Financing, administrative, policy and regulatory and stakeholder engagement aspects for preparation of the required reports;
Identification of local association in the industry, building, appliances & transport sector. Details of association should contain: Name, address, contact details, number of members, name and contact of head (President or equivalent).
Supporting PwC in conducting survey of sub-sectors through online and telephonic methods and compilation of survey data.
Provide relevant data and information for Demand side energy efficiency potential, measures (technical and financial feasibility) and potential financing sources in the DSEE.
Provide insights for preparation of awareness building activities on DSEE in Myanmar on financing options and business models