Enhancing Evaluation Use: Rubric Methodology In Program Evaluation

Description of Project:

This research project aimed to increase the analytical and conceptual rigour applied to using how evaluation evidence is used to inform decision-making. Though the goal of evaluation was to inform policy and practice, the processes through which evaluation evidence was used to inform decision-making was relatively under-researched. While a considerable amount of guidance and tools had been produced, these seemed to be based on anecdotal information and case studies of ‘best practice’. There was scope to build a more rigorous conceptual framework for effectively enabling the use of evaluation evidence, particularly in development contexts that might be characterised by weak institutions and limited capacity and resources.

Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:

●        Prepared inception report detailing purpose of the research; methodology for conducting the research; and research hypothesis.

●        Designed an experimental research approach where a control and treatment group would be asked to evaluate a WASH programme in Myanmar with groups being given different information. The treatment group will be given an evaluation rubric in order to see how this framework changes the evaluation conclusion.

●        Submitted four quarterly reports detailing progress on the project and how it would be adapted in the wake of COVID-19, including using innovative solutions to continue to conduct research to inform future programming.

● This project was suspended by CEDIL after the UK FCDO ODA budget was decreased and in the wake of COVID-19.

Mekong Economics