LIFT - Endline Evaluation Of Lift-Funded Project “Promoting Agriculture Diversification and Economic Integration in Northern Chin State”

Description of Project:

The end line survey (ELS) contributed to the final evaluation of CORAD’s project implementation by LIFT, Donors. It was to measure possible outcomes and impacts of the project interventions, including agriculture extension services, value chains and nutritional status of direct beneficiaries’ households, changes in socio-economic status of targeted households as well as other area relevant to the project areas to be determined jointly with the contractor. The main tasks included:

·    Evaluating CORAD’s interventions specifically to use quantitative and qualitative measurements to track end line values for project output, outcomes and indicators;

·     Assessing the relevancy, appropriateness, efficiency and effectiveness of CORAD’s intervention in the targeted area of project implementation with its relevant information to the recommendation of designing future projects;

Comparing the Outake/Endline results with the initial Intake/Baseline data for just the direct beneficiary households.

Description of actual services:

  • Conducted a desk review of CORAD project design documents, baseline report and M&E framework and other relevant documents;

  • Developed a survey plan that included strategies to collect and analyse quantitative data against project targets and key indicators from the baseline and M&E framework;

  • Conducted a survey of size and quality able to provide a meaningful understanding of progress toward targets and changes in the indicators being measured;

  • Analysed and produced an end line report that presented the end line data compared to base line data and that highlighted significant, important or interesting findings that informed future programming.

Mekong Economics