CDN - Baseline Study: Improving the incomes and nutrition outcomes of rural poor in Northern Kayin State - 2016
Project Description:
This project was focused on Thandaunggyi Township, the northernmost township in Kayin State. It covered three sub-townships (Leiktho, Thandaunggyi and Bawgali). The baseline study focused on baseline data collected for a set of indicators outlined in the project’s M&E plan. The baseline study report was used as a measurement to monitor the project progress against the set indicators and achievement over the course of the project implementation.
MKE led the overall design of approach and survey questions for the baseline study and trained enumerators in conducting a baseline survey. MKE cleaned and analyzed the collected data and information obtained from the baseline survey. Finally, MKE delivered a final baseline survey report with statistical testing of the Theory of Change causal pathways and a set of 36 recommendations.